Posted on: May 22nd, 2019

I had a great experience with my bladder pulling upward & not hanging because of the exercises I learned how to do from Rosie. I really liked the one on one learning of the exercises so I knew the proper way to do them and get the most benefit out of the exercise. Rosie is a wonderful, kind, and caring doctor that I felt very comfortable with and appreciated all of her expertise on the bladder and all the muscles surrounding it. Because of Rosie’s help I did not have to have any surgeries. I’m very thankful for being highly referred to her from Northwest Women’s Consultant Group, Dr. Geittman said, “Rose was the Best.” I think she’s awesome and I would recommend her to anyone having bladder issues.

Begin Your Journey to Better Wellness

I have been utilizing the therapeutic services of Dr. Rosie Radford for “over a half a decade.” My daughter was also blessed to have the opportunity to work with Dr. Radford. Dr. Radford’s therapy work and education have had life changing effects for both of us and put us on paths that changed our daily lifestyles in positive, life lasting ways

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